American Gods Shrine

The winner of my Kickstarter giveaway requested a shrine be placed near House on the Rock, and I was in full agreement. I started scanning the countryside an hour away, and while I'd seen a few possibilities, I was a bit worried. Farms came right up to the road; finding a spot where it wouldn't... Continue Reading →

An Explanation for my Disappearance

I have disappeared on many of you. I promise, it's not because you had a baby. (Even though you're right, I don't really care for babies.) Or because you moved. Or because you have a new girlfriend/boyfriend/wife. I am broke. I just entered the final year of a massive debt repayment plan. Most of y'all are... Continue Reading →

Falling Leaves

I grew up in bookstores. When I was eight, my family moved back to the States after a couple years on a typhoon-ridden island1.  Back in California, with its lovely beaches and high cost of living, my mom had to get a job to help us make ends meet. Enter Books West, the only new... Continue Reading →

Trust No One

I'm in the middle of a massive crafting project, and as a result, I'm re-watching all of the X-Files on Amazon Prime. As one does. I'm approaching season 3 now, and I've finally realized where that nagging "this is ridiculous" thought in the back of my head is coming from. At the end of season... Continue Reading →

Road Rage-ish

I'm not terribly prone to road rage. It's rare that I honk in anger, or scream and curse, and I think I've only ever flipped someone off once (after some careful deliberation). I think what I get is better labelled as Road Tics. In other words, I gesticulate and make odd noises, but there's very... Continue Reading →


Oh, I had good intentions today. I woke up before seven, ready to jump into the blank page. But since I woke up so early, I decided there was time for a bath. Then, after the bath, I had to make tea. Then, I began my pre-writing ritual of clearing out my rss reader, and... Continue Reading →

Three months, in a nutshell.

Wow, January was really the last time I posted? I'm not totally surprised. Since then, I - moved, - had my car stolen, - recovered the car, - submitted 14 grant proposals, including a monster of a national gov't one, - drove to Tucson to visit family, - planned and implemented a girls weekend retreat... Continue Reading →

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