All over the place

I keep forgetting to twitter. I've got a wee backlog of tweets, actually. So instead they're going to become a weird, disjointed blog post. Today was a rainy, miserable day at Pier 39. I LOVED it! It has been determined that my happiness has an inverse exponential relationship to the happiness of tourists. Soggy, plastic-bag... Continue Reading →

In the darkroom

... or, actually, deep inside photoshop. I know I'm the most amateur of amateur photographers. I don't spend enough time thinking about the golden ratio and shit to really hone my craft. But I like snapping pics. It's fun. And I love spending time in the darkroom, though I've given up processing my own film... Continue Reading →

On the day of my birth

I'm actually ridiculously proud that I managed to hide my birthday from Facebook. I wasn't sure I could do it, with the whole privacy discussion surrounding fb, but I did. So, as planned, I only got a few birthday phone calls from family and close friends, and one dear friend who texted me after her... Continue Reading →

Still in the city that I love

Because I'm not all listed out yet... Highly Underrated because-no-one-knows-they-exist Bits 1. Cable Car Museum. I couldn't include the cable cars, because they're ridiculously expensive if you don't have a muni pass, they're full of highly annoying jostling people, and the lines at the turnabouts just don't bear thinking on. But the Museum... well, it's... Continue Reading →

In the city that I love

There are a great many things about the Bay Area that I love. I'm not the first blogger to say that, I'm sure. I'm also not the first to make a list. But I don't care, I'm in a misty, listy mood. Highly Underrated Touristy Bits I was faced with that perfect San Francisco view... Continue Reading →

Blogging with my eyes shut

Somewhere between writing today's title and getting to the text box, I somehow turned my writing white. White on white. So I actually am blogging with my eyes shut. Huh. Self-fulfilling prophecy, anyone? I logged on and started this post with something bery definite in mind. It wasn't very interesting or important, but it was... Continue Reading →

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