Tea leaf reading

I've come back to this project, after more than 3 years away. What I want to share right now is a prophetic tea leaf reading that I had halfway through, on a mini-break with my sisters on Prince Edward Island. “Let me get you to hold it in your left hand, and give it three... Continue Reading →

Finding my way to Agloe

I was wandering my way to the coast the day before yesterday, killing time before an appointment in Margate, New Jersey. Somewhere in Delaware, I took a wrong turn. I wasn't in a big rush, and geocaching.com showed a big interesting line of caches up ahead, so I went with it. Do you ever run into... Continue Reading →

Ghosts of the Past

I'm long overdue for a wrap-up of my ghost trip. I've been putting it off for some reason. It's not that I've been waiting on photos - I had those processed and uploaded the day after I made it home. Not waiting for mental processing, either - I do all my thinking on the road, and haven't really... Continue Reading →

Falling Leaves

I grew up in bookstores. When I was eight, my family moved back to the States after a couple years on a typhoon-ridden island1.  Back in California, with its lovely beaches and high cost of living, my mom had to get a job to help us make ends meet. Enter Books West, the only new... Continue Reading →

Trust Everyone

I just had to get "Trust No One" off as the first post (especially since it's been there for nearly a year)! But seriously, that's closer to my feelings today. I just got back from an annual volunteer trip up to Bolinas, where I co-run a weekend workshop for teen girls aimed at redefining beauty. We... Continue Reading →


Oh, I had good intentions today. I woke up before seven, ready to jump into the blank page. But since I woke up so early, I decided there was time for a bath. Then, after the bath, I had to make tea. Then, I began my pre-writing ritual of clearing out my rss reader, and... Continue Reading →

The Foul Genre Aftertaste

I've been having a lot of the same conversation recently. Me: "Oh, you read (insert genre fiction title, most often Hunger Games or the like) too? What did you think?" Them: "It was good... you know, for the type of book it is." or: "I enjoyed it. Not, you know, deep, but fun." Why, why,... Continue Reading →

October Thanksgiving

Y'all. I missed October. I'm still kind of stunned. I know exactly how it happened. I was working two full-time jobs, making edits to the short stories that are out on submission right now, trying to not ignore my Board duties for the non-profit I volunteer for, helping to run a monumental 15-hour Regatta, and... Continue Reading →

Practically Magical

Some days, I wonder why I love Practical Magic. Every other day of the year, I re-watch it and I wonder why anyone would fail to love it. Yes, I am going to break my long blog silence by waxing lyrical about a Sandra Bullock movie. Suck it up, or look away now. I watch... Continue Reading →

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