Pin-up Boys

It's happening. I am going to publish a pin-up boys magazine: Boys & Wheels. Spinning wheels, that is. Beautiful men, posed seductively next to sexy spinning wheels. The whole idea came from a Dark Roasted Blend post, Girls & Trucks. Also loosely inspired by this flickr set that I loved from first sight, and by... Continue Reading →

October Thanksgiving

Y'all. I missed October. I'm still kind of stunned. I know exactly how it happened. I was working two full-time jobs, making edits to the short stories that are out on submission right now, trying to not ignore my Board duties for the non-profit I volunteer for, helping to run a monumental 15-hour Regatta, and... Continue Reading →

Unexpected Art

I love art that surprises you. Giant murals of pastoral landscapes, that up close turn out to be chewed fingernail clippings from 32 different street-walkers. Cathedral dioramas made from spent ammunition (or live; that would really be surprising). Standard girl-meets-boy romance stories that suddenly turn dark and dripping. Genre novels that can't be described without... Continue Reading →

Stuck in Wisconsin

I've been having fun with photos. Yes, most of the snapshots I took on my 2004 trip were pretty lousy. But I have a copy of photoshop now. So now I have a bunch of pretty obviously altered photos. It's kinda fun. This: turned into this: And this: turned into this: It's crazy fun, turning... Continue Reading →

Collage me

Oh boy. I did not mean to waste that much time. However, I did get the one big project I had planned for this weekend checked off. I sorted, organized, uploaded, and re-ordered my photos. All of them. And I have a reediculous amount of them. I am left with the sad realization that I... Continue Reading →

Nowhere, no mind

I've got nothing. Very little energy, and nothing to write about. Rather than try to force something out, which would feel a bit like sticking my finger down my throat and wiggling it right now, I'll just leave you with a beautiful sunrise over the Oakland cranes.

Pickin’ it back up…

Right, November stank. Sorry NaNoWriMo, even your gloriousness (and you are glorious) could not improve the month. 12 hour days at work were the norm. Friends got broken, hit by cars, diagnosed with awfulness. Hospital visits were plentiful. Today's a brand new day. Okay, actually yesterday was, but I was too busy yesterday to post.... Continue Reading →

Georgia Peach

This is not the restaurant I spoke of. But it's in the general area. I was bummed to find that large blocks are missing from my digital files; either I relied on C to take pics (which she did, and which I must beg her for copies of) or I used my Camera, not my... Continue Reading →

Forget it.

I wrote a big long ranty post about stupiddy stupid head down in Florida. It was up for a night, then I deleted it. The last thing he needs is more attention, even from a teeny tiny blog with a readership of eight. Instead, I think I'll talk about feet. I like taking pictures of... Continue Reading →

In awkward places

This weekend was a consciously active one for me, in the interest of being social, and artistic, and doing fun stuff. Last night I went to WAM's I<3SF Visual Treasure Hunt after-party. I had tried to round up a few people, but no one could make it, and I was kinda excited about being forced... Continue Reading →

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