October Thanksgiving

Y'all. I missed October. I'm still kind of stunned. I know exactly how it happened. I was working two full-time jobs, making edits to the short stories that are out on submission right now, trying to not ignore my Board duties for the non-profit I volunteer for, helping to run a monumental 15-hour Regatta, and... Continue Reading →

Happy October

October is here, and I'm sad. That's not fair. Now that October is here, I should be giddy. This is the best time of the year, with the smell of leaves and impending rain and first fires and apple cider and fog machines and chick o stix... Okay, chick o stix don't really have an... Continue Reading →

In my library

I stumbled upon this post on journal writing prompts the other day, and one of them caught my eye. "Name a totally useless possession and how you came to acquire it." My first thought was, jeez, how do I choose? I've toned it down over the years, since I stopped working retail book shops and... Continue Reading →

Halloween Proper

I'm going to work backwards. Tonight, I went to an awesome party with amazing costumes (including an Athena and a picnic table), but I had to cut it short because I was ravaged from the rest of my weekend. Before that, I finally managed to carve my pumpkins while watching the Giants whup some tail.... Continue Reading →

A treatise on trick or treats

This month has been rough. Work has been a bit overwhelming, but I can generally handle that. What bothers me is that it is eating into my much loved early fall season, and my valuable pre-Holiday season. And by Holiday, I mean Halloween. As everyone should. Seriously. I know everyone has a different favorite holiday,... Continue Reading →

Happier at home

*sung to the tune of whatever's in your head* Days Off! I have two beautiful days off! It's been sooooo long! Now what shall I do..... *end joyful singing* Of course, I have 3 weeks worth of personal life that has been piling up that I should probably deal with. Laundry. A long doggy hike.... Continue Reading →

Lost on the interwebs

Woke up at 3:30. Tried in vain to distract my brain from work lists and jump back into dreamland for half an hour. Then I gave up. Thank you, StumbleUpon, for saving my brain, if not for granting me sleep. Now it's 6:30. Late enough to head into work and get cranking. One more day... Continue Reading →

Stuck in the heat

Oh man, am I jealous. Sister Rachael is gallivanting about NY and staying in the cutest hotel ever. I have not traveled in so, so long. In fact, I keep doing things that are pretty much the opposite of traveling. Sinking roots deep into the ground. Signing long-term leases. Buying fancy beds. Purchasing a niche.... Continue Reading →

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