
Two separate but oddly similar issues have been converging for me recently. The whole #YesAllWomen and #NotAllMen internet storm has been amazing to watch, though I haven't had much to add to the conversation. I've loved seeing my friends share their stories, and seeing people struggle (and often succeed) to explain exactly why #YesAllWomen is important.... Continue Reading →

Trust Everyone

I just had to get "Trust No One" off as the first post (especially since it's been there for nearly a year)! But seriously, that's closer to my feelings today. I just got back from an annual volunteer trip up to Bolinas, where I co-run a weekend workshop for teen girls aimed at redefining beauty. We... Continue Reading →

In preparation, on a foggy summer morning

In the interest of research and gettin' ready for a summer more filled with dresses than I've ever seen (apparently getting older means I like skirts! Who knew! They're even easier to slip on absentmindedly than jeans! I have 2 new short sundresses, and 3 short skirts! Someone hold me back!), I've been testing various... Continue Reading →

Ex-cuuse me, hip knitters?

Okay, the prosecco is kicking in. I felt bubbly and happy, and I was cruising through Twist Collective's new issue, drooling over several patterns (Timpani, I'm coming for you, I swear). Then I ran into this. Are they serious? There's no tongue-in-cheek thing going on here? I know Twist is not Bust or anything, but... Continue Reading →

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