The En

I am truly awful at finishing. It's not that my stories get lost and wander out of control, with no idea of how to bring them home. Except for one sad attempt at a mystery that turned into a ghost story and wandered off into the heavens, I can generally see the end, and the... Continue Reading →

Turning my friends into ghosts

Birthdays don't do much for me. It seems a bit silly to celebrate something I didn't really have much of a hand in, except for showing up. More than that, I hate the pressure to have a good time. People seem truly disappointed if I don't jump up and down with joy when they wish... Continue Reading →

Sitting around in anticipa…

My List of 32 Things I really like lists. At the same time, I've never been able to get into the "bucket" list; it kinda creeps me out. Besides, if you have an indeterminate time period in which to complete a list, it takes the pressure off. So when I saw the idea bopping around... Continue Reading →

Hearts and kisses in a brewery

I love that my Romance Writers' Chapter does business out of an Ale House. Writers are more commonly associated with coffee shops, or maybe chi-chi wine bars (although those are usually people talking about being writers, and are not necessarily writers that write). Brew pubs, with foamy lagers and crisp chips, do not scream Writers... Continue Reading →

Making friends

I recently had the good luck to be invited to a party hosted by a fabulous member of the Pens Fatales, a formal Casino night in celebration of Tet. May I just say... Wow. I've already sent my deepest appreciations her way, so I won't call her out online, but that lady knows how to... Continue Reading →

Stuck in Wisconsin

I've been having fun with photos. Yes, most of the snapshots I took on my 2004 trip were pretty lousy. But I have a copy of photoshop now. So now I have a bunch of pretty obviously altered photos. It's kinda fun. This: turned into this: And this: turned into this: It's crazy fun, turning... Continue Reading →

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