On the back roads of yesteryear

I should be writing. Writing things other than this blog. Really, really should. I can't tell you how far I am in the hole, word-debt-wise. But hey, that's why this blog started, right? This is what I write when I'm not Writing. Yesterday, while I was not Writing, I found myself uploading all of my... Continue Reading →

Georgia Peach

This is not the restaurant I spoke of. But it's in the general area. I was bummed to find that large blocks are missing from my digital files; either I relied on C to take pics (which she did, and which I must beg her for copies of) or I used my Camera, not my... Continue Reading →

On a lonely back road

Oh, dear. Composing a blog post on a lonely Sunday night, 2 martinis closer to the work week, is never a good idea. And yet, here I go. My twitter profile popped up earlier. "I like curvy roads." It's true, yet a little too simple for me at the moment. I ended up switching it... Continue Reading →

In the tub, part deux

I've decided to change the subtitle of this blog. "Bethany's Ramblings Part II" does not really fit anymore; while I started as a travel bloggess, I've done precious little traveling since then. Instead, I find myself procrastinating in new and interesting ways. I avoid writing by making little odd things; I avoid craft by wandering... Continue Reading →

In the tub

You may have noticed, dear reader, that I enjoy baths. In fact, I adore them. I wouldn't call them a necessity; I have lived in at least three locations with shower-only bathrooms, and while I cannot for the life of me understand why they even make such a thing, I can easily live through the... Continue Reading →

In the place for writing

Well, it's officially no longer Halloween. The decorations came down yesterday, so I guess I should knock the blog post down a spot or two. I'm just so reluctant to see it go! Largely because I know that as soon as Halloween is over, NaNoWriMo begins. I know, yay. It's something I always look forward... Continue Reading →

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