In the corner of your eye

I'd forgotten how annoying taking photos is. I had the whole 'why haven't I been doing this' conversation with myself, and I resolved to take my camera out with me more. Oh yeah. It's hard. I'm not saying it's hard to take a photo. Snap, you're done. That's kinda easy. It's even kinda easy, especially... Continue Reading →

Bay Bridge

Sometimes when I'm not writing, it's your fault. I had an epiphany a mild thought while on the Bay Bridge. I was in the Fastrak lane, watching everyone go zooming by me on every side. I knew precisely why I was going so slow, but I refused, on general principle, to do anything about it.... Continue Reading →

Mission Bay, Howl-o-ween

BoonieHalloween09_2, originally uploaded by jujuwiz. Sometimes, when I'm not writing, it's my camera that has my attention (I totally wrote focus there three times and deleted it three times). This might turn into a bit more of a photo blog, since that's how I seem to be speaking at the moment.


Recently, this is what I've been writing instead of Writing: Since February, I've been a bit puzzle-mad. My awesome ex-roommate Katy threw me a treasure hunt, and since then I've been seeking out all the urban, outdoor, puzzling opportunities I can find. There's something in the Bay Area called BANG (also DASH, Shinteki, and more,... Continue Reading →

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