
Rachael made an aside about her mounds of animals, and it reminded me of a moment at her last party. She'd locked all the animals in the bedroom, except for Adah (who had been hiding). When found, I offered to help Rach put the last cat away. I opened the door, knowing FULL WELL that... Continue Reading →

How to Knit a Heart Back Home

Woot! Sighting of @RachaelHerron's new book!, originally uploaded by jujuwiz. Yay! The wonderful Rachael Herron (who just happens to share a last name with me, didja know?) has a new book out as of today! That's it, front and center, with a big red yarny heart popping out of a white cover. Dang if I... Continue Reading →

On a lonely back road

Oh, dear. Composing a blog post on a lonely Sunday night, 2 martinis closer to the work week, is never a good idea. And yet, here I go. My twitter profile popped up earlier. "I like curvy roads." It's true, yet a little too simple for me at the moment. I ended up switching it... Continue Reading →

Happy at home

Nate Concentrating, originally uploaded by jujuwiz. There is absolutely nothing like flannel pj's, coffee, and a warm dog. That's how I feel this morning, anyway. Last night the pj's were the only thing keeping me warm, since the stupid dog peed on my comforter, and there wasn't enough coffee in the world to keep my... Continue Reading →

In a familiar, grumpy place

What is it about home that makes you want to morph into an axe murderer? On a side note, we had a wonderful Father's Day dinner at an excellent Italian restaurant in SLO, where Christy and I both independently decided that the waiter was a psycho killer. She wondered if he was a murderer or... Continue Reading →

In my family’s entrepreneurial past

Actually, before I start this post, I have to admit that I'm rather proud I spelled entrepreneurial correctly on the first try. Take that, spell-checker generation! So. What was I saying? I was feeling a fondness for the many businesses my father started throughout my childhood. 1. Dad was super-stoked he jumped on this... Continue Reading →

In a rainy french town…

I'm not a big opera fan. I keep thinking something will click, so I keep trying, but try as I might, I can never get past the silliness of singing every single little line of dialogue. "How are you today, fa la la la la?" "Fine sir, and you, la la la la la?" And... Continue Reading →

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